Sloppy Firsts
by Megan McCaffertyRating: A-
I changed the rating scale. The stars were starting to annoy me so I'm switching to a grading scale instead.
I'm actually on Megan McCafferty's 4th book in this series but I'm a little behind. Sorry!
Sloppy Firsts is the story of Jessica Darling (and yes, she realizes that she shares her name with a porn star. She's Googled it). When, at 16, her best friend Hope Weaver moves away from Pineville, New Jersey Jessica is devastated. To hold onto their friendship, they agree to write, phone, email and IM. However, aside from that Jessica is having a hard time dealing with her life, from being stuck with the Clueless Crew, handling her dad's obsession with her track career, dealing with her mom and sister as they prepare for The Big Day and on top of it all the class dreg, Marcus Flutie, seems to be stalking her. How will she make it through this without her best friend?
I found this book as I was browsing in Borders. I knew I'd heard of it before, most likely on the Nest Book Club message board and it sounded decent so I bought it.
At first I didn't like it. Jessica annoyed me, her parents annoyed me, her "friends annoyed me. I was having a hard time starting it. However, right about the time Marcus Flutie arrived on the scene (*sigh* Marcus Flutie) I found myself getting hooked. Jessica is REAL. Yes, maybe she pays more attention, writes a little bit better and all that than the average teen. But so many books about teens portray them as being "perfect" and this book is just refreshing and hysterical. When I was done, I couldn't wait to pick up the next book in the series and continue Jessica's crazy adventure.
Coming Up Next: Second Helpings by Megan McCafferty
I'm actually on Megan McCafferty's 4th book in this series but I'm a little behind. Sorry!
Sloppy Firsts is the story of Jessica Darling (and yes, she realizes that she shares her name with a porn star. She's Googled it). When, at 16, her best friend Hope Weaver moves away from Pineville, New Jersey Jessica is devastated. To hold onto their friendship, they agree to write, phone, email and IM. However, aside from that Jessica is having a hard time dealing with her life, from being stuck with the Clueless Crew, handling her dad's obsession with her track career, dealing with her mom and sister as they prepare for The Big Day and on top of it all the class dreg, Marcus Flutie, seems to be stalking her. How will she make it through this without her best friend?
I found this book as I was browsing in Borders. I knew I'd heard of it before, most likely on the Nest Book Club message board and it sounded decent so I bought it.
At first I didn't like it. Jessica annoyed me, her parents annoyed me, her "friends annoyed me. I was having a hard time starting it. However, right about the time Marcus Flutie arrived on the scene (*sigh* Marcus Flutie) I found myself getting hooked. Jessica is REAL. Yes, maybe she pays more attention, writes a little bit better and all that than the average teen. But so many books about teens portray them as being "perfect" and this book is just refreshing and hysterical. When I was done, I couldn't wait to pick up the next book in the series and continue Jessica's crazy adventure.
Coming Up Next: Second Helpings by Megan McCafferty